Another year down, jewelry hounds, another year of frivolous fun in jewelry land. We've seen red carpets sparkle (and stink up the joint), the entire D-list attempt to start their own jewelry lines, stunning diamond auction sales despite a Bernie Madoff-induced luxury melt down, and plenty of 'lower jaw-drop' moments.
As we bloggers are predisposed to do this time of year, I've taken a look back at 2009 and culled together some of my favorite jewelry moments with some of yours. The result? This little Top Ten list for your reading pleasure.
Thanks to all for joining this shiny place of jewel-filled sarcasm, schadenfreude and joy. Here's to another bling-filled year!
10. Brad Pitt's Diamond Daughter
The third most popular post this year involved a random tidbit detailing Brad Pitt's diamond jewelry gift to his daughter, Shiloh. Lesson learned? Some kids have all the luck. And always write about Brad Pitt.
9. Technicolor Diamonds
Lower jaw-drop moment of the year alert: Despite the economic woes taking most of us mortals to our knees this year, some lucky as*&, I mean, folks snapped up some stunning natural-color diamonds off the auction block in 2009 - inlcuding the Wittelsbach blue diamond that broke the record for most expensive rock ever sold at auction.
The 60s came back with a vengeance this year, with Woodstock celebrating it's 40th anniversary and Mad Men taking the entertainment and fashion worlds by storm. Jewelry fashion followed suit, with this fourth most popular post for 2009.
7. Celebrity Jewelry Robbery Ring
Just when you thought Hollywood couldn't get any more tawdry, a ring of wannabe reality star youngster thugs robbed D-listers like Paris, Lindsay, and that vacuous brunette from The Hills of their beloved family jewels. The horror! And they didn't even get an agent out of it...
Nope. Not talking about 'the Hilton' - despite writing about her over a dozen times this year (sorry 'bout that). Paris, France was - yet again - my favorite Fashion Week by far, with jewelry exploding all over the catwalks. Bigger, better, bling-filled bliss.
5. Vampire Chic
From Team Edward to True Blood, it was all about the undead in 2009. Enter: blood red rubies, cross necklaces, vampire-inspired jewelry lines, and lots of black eye-linered brooding. Oh - and angst.
http://jewelry01.blogspot.com/2009/11/jewelry-no-show-at-twilight-premiere.htmlOh, Paula. How you confuse me so. You gave us some of the absolute worst fashion moments on the red carpet in 2009, yet somehow your jewelry line sells out in minutes? And recently, you've made some classic red carpet appearances with jewelry that actually fits the occasion. Let's hope you have enough sense (and money in the coffers) to keep your current stylist now that Ellen is stealing your spotlight.
3. Celebrity Engagement Rings
From The Bachelor bungle, to my second most popular post - Ivanka Trump's engagement ring bling - the celebrity world of betrothal never disappoints. Here are some of the year's highlights for your drooling pleasure.
2. Angelina's Oscar Emeralds
The most popoular post of 2009 was my early report of Angelina Jolie's emerald Oscar jewelry. Sorry, Jen - 2010 is gonna be your year.
1. Michelle Obama
Mighty Michelle jump-started a sinking fashion industry when her husband's historic campaign and election took the country by storm. So I joined the throngs of other fashion bloggers who followed her every move in those first few months of 2009. The good news is, she continues to breathe fresh life into the jewelry world with statement pieces, brooches and classic pearls akimbo. No matter your political persuasion, you gotta give it up for bling you can believe in.
Did I miss any of your favs? Weigh in, jewelry hounds!