Monday, November 15, 2010

JewelClub's Sample Sale Goes Old School


The telltale signs of a true fashionista litter the landscape. Racks of Chanel and DKNY finds mingle with McQueen and Miu Miu. Vintage jewelry, costume creations and fine gems light up the joint like a Christmas tree on crack.

A mash-up of the "Rocky Theme Song" and "I Will Survive" BLASTS in the background.

As the music reaches its crazy crescendo, we CLOSE UP on a leggy fashion-type doning riot gear.  

SSG WHIPS OUT her notepad and goes through her battle-ready checklist:

1. Super Secret Sample Sale invite? Check.
2. Oversized shopping bag? Check.
3. Pepper spray for the pushy girls? Check.
4. Debit card? Check, check...and check.

With one final tighten of her shin guards, SSG whisks off into the cool morning air -  the lingering promise of sample sale success lighting her way. And her soul.


This was sample sale shopping in the (not so distant) past, right? When secret invitations were as important as the designer castoffs that awaited the organized and the determined. These days? Sample sales aren't, well, quite so romantic. Or competitive. Until now.

You all know I love my JewelClub treasure chest. So when news hit that they're throwing a secret couture-level sample sale like the good old days? I had to spead the news to my fellow jewelry hounds.

So here's the skinny. Tomorrow, they're sending out secret invitations with a link to the page with one-of-a-kind high-end styles at up to (drumroll...) 80 - 90% off.

This is so pepper-spray-worthy, people.

ALL of you sample sale sirens need to get your riot gear ready (you can sign up for the Deal Alert invite here - or check back with me tomorrow). And anyone you know who has a big jewelry purchase coming up should follow your lead. This is holiday season. It's time to get serious - and this merch is gonna move.

I'm getting a sneak peak at some of the styles later today - and I'll post my favs on Twitter for you. Stay tuned! And good luck!