Jewelry.com posted a great article written by a frustrated fella who vents about his fears when buying jewelry. Sounds like he knows a thing or two as well. Enjoy guys...and get those Valentine's Day plans in gear!
A Guy Tells it Like it is
What really strikes fear into men's hearts is trying to buy a gift for a spouse or a girlfriend. What does she like? What does she need? What's her size? Will this gift really knock her out?
Left to our own devices, we men too often come home with "safe" gifts - flowers, chocolates, fashion, items for the house - that require little or no knowledge of what she really desires.#1: Not asking for help
It's no secret that we hate asking for directions. Most men would rather drive around in circles for hours rather than stop and ask someone how to get somewhere. It's hard to tell if this is some biological imperative imprinted into our genes, or a behavioral thing impressed upon us almost from the time of birth. Maybe a combination of both. But the fact remains that, if you're a guy, you're supposed to be in charge: a leader, a navigator, an expert at map reading, with an innate sense of direction. Woe to the traitor that breaks this code.
#2: Not educating yourself
Buying a gift for a loved one can be a daunting experience. And buying jewelry as a gift is even scary at times. Jewelry is probably the most intimidating gift a man could purchase. Many of us don't know the first thing about the "4Cs," much less all the different stones and types of metal available. And we definitely cringe at the thought of facing a salesperson without being prepared.
#3: Not pre-shopping
It's a known fact that men hate to shop. Take us to a car dealership, the local Sharper Image store or Best Buy, and chances are we'll cruise along like kids in a candy store. But watch a guy in a supermarket wandering up and down the aisles looking for olives, or some hapless, dazed soul trying to find his way around a mall or department store. You get the idea! The problem is that there is no substitute for pre-shopping.
#4: Not choosing the right retailer
Regardless of where dad bought mom's engagement ring, a larger jeweler is often the best bet. They buy in volume, and so get better pricing. They have multiple locations, so even if you move, change jobs, etc., it's no problem. They have a solid, clear return/refund policy. They have a complete quality control policy. Finally, they are established companies that are going to be there to serve you for the long haul..
#5: Not buying jewelry because it's "too expensive"
Jewelry is the gift a man can never go wrong with. After all, it's beautiful, valuable, romantic, lasting, versatile (the same piece can be appropriate for many different outfits and occasions), and the ultimate symbol of love.
Flowers Aren't Forever... If you follow these simple rules, your gift-giving experience will be greatly rewarding. It is a pleasure to see a loved one's face light up when receiving that little box. It's even better to see her face light up again 10 years from now when she remembers the trouble you went to (sure, let her believe it was a hassle...) to get that special something. After all, great things come in small packages.