The 80s is inspiring more than just jewelry trends and catwalk fashion these days - now Broadway is getting in on the act.
The latest jukebox musical to hit the boards is called Rock of Ages and features rockin’ 80s hits from the hair bands of yesteryear, including Poison, Styx and (of course!) Journey.

The opening night festivities brought out Broadway’s big guns this week (can Patrick Wilson be any more adorable?) in addition to the likes of Dee Snyder, the Rock of Love bus babes and Night Ranger.
A ‘motley crew’ to be sure.

The red carpet fashion was appropriately metal-esque – with lots of skull rings, layered bangles, heavy chains, leather wristbands and fringe akimbo.
The talented cast, which features onetime American Idol hopeful Constantine Maroulis, and an onstage metal band led by Night Ranger’s Joel Hoekstra, uses familiar tunes including “More Than Words” and “Heat of the Moment” to tell the story of a wanna-be rocker who works in a legendary L.A. dive and chases the girl of his dreams while German developers threaten to demolish the Sunset Strip.
Just another day in the life of a head banger.

According to Rolling Stone, the show begins with an announcement from Whitesnake’s David Coverdale: “No flash photography unless you’re really, really hot and willing to show us your boobs.” - and ends with a sing along to Journey’s “Don’t Stop Believin'.”
Sprinkled along the way are over 25 more 80s hits, beer sales for the audience, and free LED flashlights to sway for the power ballads.
I can smell the perm solution percolating....
So if you 'Wanna Know What Love Is" get your big hair to the Big Apple and bang your head with Broadway's best. Cross necklace and fingerless gloves not included.