(Update, April 27, 2010: Chelsea Clinton's diamond engagement ring photos are finally making the rounds. See for yourselves, jewelry hounds!)
Jewelry hounds, I'm shocked, sickened and - well - wondering if there is a man left in America who doesn't text strippers when their wives aren't looking. If Jesse James finds it necessary to cheat on Sandra friggin Bullock, it makes it hard to get excited about anyone wanting to find eternal bliss.
But just when the dark clouds began to take over my mood today, this ray of sunshine crossed my path:
Chelsea Clinton's engagement ring was spotted!

Chelsea's future mother-in-law, Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky, was repeatedly asked, "Where are they getting married?" But she politely replied, "I can't say."
I'll be on the lookout for the first photos, so stay tuned. What's your guess? It drew gasps from the uber-wealthy Barry Diller, so I'm thinking 3 plus carats? Or is that too over the top for the normally understated First Daughter?

Weigh in!