Monday, May 17, 2010
Sienna Miller Poses for Piaget
Jewelry hounds, let's forget about our dreary lives for a moment shall we and enter the delightful dream scape that is actress Sienna Miller's day-to-day.
She's a glamorous movie star (with the bank account to match). She's dating the hunky Jude Law. Again. She's got that 'skinny without trying' thing going for her. And now? She has her pick of Piaget Possession jewelry as their new spokesmodel.
You can go ahead now and:
a) roll your eyes
b) do your best 'vomit in your mouth' impression
c) spontaneously start those double chin exercises
d) all of the above
To commemorate 20 years of their popular Possession Collection, Piaget picked the scrumptious Sienna to star in a series of iconic photographs wearing the classic jewels. Leaving no stone unturned, they assembled an A-list team of fashion industry professionals for a major photo shoot at Hudson Studios in New York, including legendary photographer, Raymond Meier, and renowned stylist and regular Vogue contributor, Elissa Santisi.
The first photo in the series is displayed above with two more to follow in the coming months, according to a press release, so stay tuned.
Click here to be the first to view the Youtube video capturing Sienna in action and more importantly - you can gawk at the Piaget Possession jewels featuring interlocking ring silhouettes in both yellow gold and diva-worthy diamonds.
Or just put on your bathrobe, open up a pint of New York Super Fudge Chunk and call it good.