That's 25% off WHOLESALE!
Um, yeah. Now that I've got your attention...
The sale will start this Thursday, June 17th but will only last a few days (through Monday, June 21st) - and like most big discount sales the inventory is limited and may go quickly.

I have only seen this teaser piece to whet your whistle - it's a three-stone bridal ring that's over $3,000 off the suggested retail price. (insert lower jaw-drop here)
But brides and grooms aren't the only audience they're targeting; they assure me there will be trendy pieces, jewelry box staples and colorful creations all ripe for the picking.

So be sure to sign up on www.jewelclub.com, using the code: INSIDER (if you haven't already) to get in the loop on this super sale. I won't steer you wrong on this. Their prices are as low as a Mariah Carey neckline.