Jewelry hounds, our beloved Mad Men is back for a 4th season this Sunday! And aside from a Monday morning martini hangover, nothing is going to keep me from rejoicing at the swinging sixties jewelry fashion.
Janie Bryant, the series' award-winning costume designer, is injecting a bit of mod into the wardrobe this season as the plot advances to a post-JFK-assassination 1964.
These pics from the AMC website already have me drooling:
How much do we love this rhinestoned Joan look with her signature brooch?

Or this yellow gold look with the tassle pendant we've seen now in every season? (Yes, Janie Bryant. We're keeping track!)

Betty Draper continues to channel Jackie O:

And my favorite - Peggy Olson - is sporting a new do and a little more sparkle this season as she continues to climb the corporate ladder.

I'm also excited to report that Janie Bryant is sharing her period inspiration with the masses with her new clothing and jewelry line for QVC aptly called, "Mod by Janie Bryant".

She tells The Huffington Post,
"It's definitely vintage inspired and I just designed pieces that I really love from periods of the 50's and 60's so it's not Mad Men, it's vintage inspired but the pieces are real statement pieces and I think they can change one's look in an instant. The pieces are really fun. I love the jewelry. I love the handbag too."
The line will launch on September 29th, with 10-15 pieces of costume jewelry priced from $26 to $138.
What do you think of all this 60s jewelry style making a come back? Up your alley? Or best left in the past?
In the meantime, I'm breaking out my pencil skirt and sweater set for this Sunday at 10pm on AMC! Dirty martinis all around!