The 2010 Screen Actors Guild Awards shined a light on some unique red carpet jewelry choices for a change - some stunning, some, well, notsomuch.

The winners in my book were Diane Kruger (
see my earlier post for more), Kate Hudson in over $1 million of Cartier diamonds

Marion Cotillard in over $1 million of Chopard in her hair alone (!), Christina Hendricks in another teardrop triumph (by Irit), and a glowing Christina Applegate in Lorraine Schwartz diamonds - including this unique diamond hair piece. Love it.

I'm on the fence about Meryl - like the emeralds and the Balenciaga print but am not sure it was appropriate for the occasion. I'm also not sure about Sandra Bullock's Alexander McQueen choice: is it cool or a little too 'Golden Girls go to the buffet'? Same with Drew Barrymore's navy get up, simple gold earrings and bedhead hair. Something's just off here.

Speaking of off - Joan Allen? Bless your heart, but what on EARTH were you thinking with this necklace choice? The former queen of red carpet class just jumped the shark with this ensemble - quite possibly the worst jewelry look I have covered to date. Yikes.

The disappointment continued with Vera Farmiga's unfortunate gown choice coupled with a powder blue eyeshadow look I haven't seen since the pre-teens wore it in the 80s.

And the always reliably tacky Patricia Arquette didn't disappoint with this 'Mae West meets Priscilla Queen of the Desert' interpretation. ALL Sequins? WITH gold chandeliers? Really?
As usual, I MUST know what you hounds think, so weigh in. And if the spirit moves you, check out the
Jewelry.com Fashion News for more SAG jewelry buzz and their
Facebook Page for a complete look at the SAG divas on display.