So you've got oh, about $1 million worth of jewelry, $50,000 in furs and thousands in techno-trinkets and gifts just hanging out in your SUV while you do some last minute Christmas shopping. No big thing - especially if you're a superstar with folks tracking your every move.
So imagine Usher's surprise when he returned from the AT & T store in Atlanta to find his SUV broken into and the luxury loot stolen!
According to an Atlanta Police Department report, the 31-year-old singer and a friend were returning from the city’s airport Dec. 14 when they stopped at an AT&T store in Lenox Square Mall.
A witness told cops they saw a vehicle pull up next to the “My Way” singer's black GMC Yukon before one man got out, popped open the door, seized the valuables and sped off in a burgundy Chevy Impala (classy).
More valuable than the family jewels, unrealeased tracks from Usher's new album, Raymond vs. Raymond were also part of the stolen stash but the album is stil set for a February 16th release date (despite online leaks akimbo).
All in a day's work...
Are you protected in the event someone decides to nab the contents of your jewelry box? Get familiar with jewelry insurance, jewelry certificates and jewelry appraisals with this informative article from the Jewelry.com education section. And best to take your $1 million shopping spree home before you make a stop at the mall.