New moms, like myself, have reluctantly retired our everyday jewelry box items for a spell until our little ones are no longer apt to drool on the diamonds (or yank them from our necks, as the case may be). But mommy bloggers-turned-entrepreneurs are buzzing about a new jewelry trend that will bring the bling back to our post-baby lives - teething jewelry!
If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.

My favorite hails from Smart Mom Jewelry - a donut-shaped pendant that comes in every color of the rainbow (I'm partial to trendy turquoise for spring - especially with the $19.10 price tag). The 'smart moms' who started this company have a patent pending for the miracle gems and even have a cadre of celebs convinced - from Angela Basset to uber-mom, Tori Spelling.

Sonny and Reed: http://www.sonnyandreed.com/catalog/
Dr. Bloom's Chewable Jewelry: http://www.docbloom.com/
Oh Plah!: http://www.ohplah.com
I smell a Mother's Day gift idea....jpg)