Jewelry hounds, I've got good news: romance is alive and well in America. The
Jewelry Information Center (JIC) just unveiled its nationwide search for the best engagement proposal, and they've collected 10 incredible stories that make the
'Jewelry Store Proposal' I wrote about yesterday look like amateur hour.

One guy took the time to plant tulip bulbs (his honey's favorite flower) that spelled out the words "Marry Me?" when they bloomed - after 6 months of careful primping and pruning! Another fella created a scavenger hunt that culminated with a diamond ring and a gaggle of his girlfriend's childhood chums there to celebrate. And my personal favorite is the dentist who took his Ohio State graduate girlfriend to OSU stadium and proposed to her on the 50 yard line (Go Buckeyes!).

But this is just the tip of the 'ice' berg. The
JIC Ultimate Proposal Contest collected over 1200 proposal stories from member retailers like
Kay Jewelers,
Jared and Osterman Jewelers and listed the top ten on their website for us to vote on. Why vote, you ask? Because the winning couple gets a trip to Santorini, Greece and platinum jewelry courtesy of
Platinum Guild International, USA.And it's just good karma.
So visit
www.JIC.org/proposalcontest and weigh in with your favorite story of love. They allow one vote per day - so be sure to go back more than once if the spirit moves you. We have until April 30th to get these guys to Greece!