Single dad and The Bachelor star, Jason Mesnick, may have broken some hearts on the show's finale yesterday, but he darn well gave America a night to remember.
So. To recap. Jason told wide-eyed scrapbook maker, Molly Malaney, to get lost, got on bended knee, and presented the hand-crafted Neil Lane marquise-cut whopper to the perky, kid-friendly, not-as-career-minded Melissa Rycroft. Tears were shed, unrealistic fairy-tale dreams came true, and the show ended with a celebratory jump in the New Zealand resort pool with Jason’s cloying plot device, I mean, adorable son in tow.

For anyone who has been dumped, and dumped royally, watching this car crash was about as fun as a double root canal. But you can’t fault the guy for following his putrid little heart, I suppose. Crikey.
So on to more important matters. What do you guys think about a jilted Melissa giving the engagement ring back? And more importantly, do you think it is OK for Jason to give it to Molly, should they beat the odds and actually last more than a few weeks?

If we are to ignore what are probably reams of legal documents from the show’s producers detailing exactly who does own the ring - legally, the ring does not actually belong to Melissa. It was given to her under the auspices of a ‘contract of marriage’, and it is hers to keep only if said marriage takes place. And well, we all know that ain't gonna happen.
At a $58,000 price tag, she would have forgotten about the debacle a LOT quicker if she could at least just cash in her diamond chips and buy, say, a new condo. But, alas.
But, she did the right thing in my book and gave the diamond back without any more drama. To whom exactly remains to be seen. To Jason? The show’s producers? But should Jason get on bended knee again, would Melissa want to be presented with the very same diamond he decided NOT to give her the first time around? What do you guys think?
So much diamond drama to discuss...
Part two of the After The Rose Ceremony airs tonight at 10pm. And, yeah, I'll be watching. Root canals are the new Oscars.