What ever happened to the days of the benevolent stage dive? Kurt Cobain never had to worry about getting his Vans ripped off when he plunged into a crowd of waiting Gen X-ers. And Pearl Jam’s Eddie Veder always got a ride around the mosh pit when he lept into the arms of his waiting fans.
Well, Coolio, didn’t get such a warm reception last week at a performance across the pond at Staffordshire University, where he reportedly decided to take a dive and instead of jumping into the warm embrace of adoring fans - -he proceeded to land right in the middle of the bar-room floor.

"(He) nearly flattened one poor girl then all the students decided to launch on him," said James Fielden, a bartender who witnessed the incident.
"They grabbed whatever they could, including his trainers, watch, chains and glasses. He was pulled back on stage by the bouncers. They got his shoes back for him."
This is certainly no ‘Gangsta’s Paradise'.
I guess the hip hop star should stick with annoying people in the Big Brother house instead of a gaggle of unruly young Brits.