What would entice some of Hollywoods hottest divas to spend an evening in a museum? Designer clothes and a movie of course. Blondes, brunettes and razor thin silhouettes turned out in force to honor the last Emperor of fashion and catch a movie premiere.

Valentino is renowned for his penchant for all things - well all things extravagant. He's never been one to nod in the direction of minimilism. The septuagenarian designer, with his perma-orange tan, is known for his outlandish sense of more is more and less isn't by any means more. The movie, (which has been receiving mixed reviews - depends I suppose on where you stand on the more or less side of the scale) shows the man's six pugs on board their master's private jet, having their teeth brushed and being adorned with diamond earrings.
Doggy diamond earrings, now there's a thought (that should be banished).

Last night it was a diamonds on divas - not dogs that were causing a rucus. Surprisingly not as much bling as one would expect in an evening devoted to the Emperor himself.
Score one for the brunettes last night....way to go Anne.

Special effects be gone - this one was all about the clothes..... Valentino's clothes. The documentary, Valentino: The Last Emperor, debuted in New York last night at the Museum of Modern Art with an audience of hard-core fashionistas, wanna-be fashionistas, muses, critics and the seriously beautiful.
Valentino is renowned for his penchant for all things - well all things extravagant. He's never been one to nod in the direction of minimilism. The septuagenarian designer, with his perma-orange tan, is known for his outlandish sense of more is more and less isn't by any means more. The movie, (which has been receiving mixed reviews - depends I suppose on where you stand on the more or less side of the scale) shows the man's six pugs on board their master's private jet, having their teeth brushed and being adorned with diamond earrings.

Last night it was a diamonds on divas - not dogs that were causing a rucus. Surprisingly not as much bling as one would expect in an evening devoted to the Emperor himself.
Madonna, Gwyneth, Anne and Agyness were on hand to bow before the Emperor. Madge sporting a knuckleduster ring and looking as ageless as ever. Gwyneth in her signature black - and Ms. Hathaway knocking 'em all for six in a stunning white dress and just the right amount of bling.........
Score one for the brunettes last night....way to go Anne.