Jewelry hounds, I need your peepers. Is it me or is Nicky Hilton wearing THE SAME emerald earrings that Angelina Jolie made famous at the Oscars this year? The horror!
The giant teardrop-sized stunners are cut in the same shape as Angelina’s green gems, but I quite simply can’t imagine anyone who would want to trod that same hallowed jewelry ground. Especially someone low-key like Paris’s younger sib.
Hilton was walking the red carpet of sister Paris’s narcissistic, I mean, self-titled documentary, Paris, not France last week when the emeralds made their appearance.

Mon Dieu!
What do you guys think? Are they the same earrings? Or are they look-alikes? Regardless, should she have steered clear of the fashion faux-pas or are the emerald earrings fair game for anyone who wants to be a…well..wannabe?