Pirates of a different sort robbed superhunk, Orlando Bloom’s, treasure chest of nearly $500,000 in jewelry and loot this week.
Officers were called to the Pirates of the Caribbean star's home in Los Angeles on Wednesday evening, after one of the actor's relatives found the home had been broken into, police spokeswoman Tenesha Dobine said.
Cash and jewelry were taken, but Dobine declined to provide a value for the items. Celebrity website TMZ.com reported that $500,000 worth of goods was stolen. Two pricey watches are rumored to be among the missing loot.
While nothing can replace the emotional value of your jewelry, there are steps you can take to protect your financial investment from the sticky finger brigade that seems to be having a field day in Hollywood lately (see Paris Hilton and Queen Latifah for more)
Check out this earlier entry about jewelry certificates, appraisals and insurance, and sleep a little better at night knowing your jewelry stash is safe from the urban pirates.