Now I’ve heard everything. Just when you thought commercially exploiting Michael Jackson’s death couldn’t get any more unseemly, news hit the wires today that Michael Jackson’s charred hair from that infamous Pepsi commercial is going to be turned into (drumroll......) diamonds.
This may just beat Poppa Jackson’s disgusting self-promotion in the day’s following the King of Pop’s death and Jermaine’s chronic wearing of his Jackson 5 T-shirt. We get it, Jermaine. You're important too.

So Ralph Cohen, the Executive Producer for the Pepsi commercial, was apparently quick on his feet back then – not only saving Michael from his Jerry curl fire, but (eureka!) taking time out from the firey blaze to scoop up his charred hair to save for a rainy day.
Cohen eventually turned it in to John Reznikoff, one of America's most highly respected collectors, and now LifeGem, the world's first purveyor of diamond memorials, is creating high quality diamonds out of it for a limited collection.
No word yet on how much these little beauties will go for, but you can bet LifeGem is banking on at least high six, low seven figures.
I don’t know why I am surprised by this turn of events. The gold-plated coffin has barely left the Staples Center and folks are only seeing dollar signs.

What do you guys think? Is it OK for people to make money on the King of Pop’s death? Or have things gone too far? Would you buy a diamond made out of Michael Jackson's DNA if you could afford it? Weigh in!